Fresh start

Fresh start
Fresh start

A few days ago (and early in the morning at sunrise) I visited the beach at Hoek van Holland and took many pictures. Is this Rotterdam? Yes! Since 2014 Hoek van Holland is a part of Rotterdam although about 25 kilometers west of the city. Hoek van Holland borders the North Sea on the west side and the Nieuwe Waterweg on the south side. Worth a visit! Moreover, a metro line has been built from the center of Rotterdam all the way to the beach, get out and you’re on the beach!

And did I take a dive? What do you think?

Photographed at Hoek van Holland beach, Rotterdam

Rush hour

Rotterdam Daily Photo: Rush hour
Rotterdam Daily Photo: Rush hour

The metro entrance at Rotterdam Central around rush hour. Still not really busy … working from home is the norm for the coming period!

From the archives: Underground station Blaak

Rotterdam Daily Photo: From the archives: Underground station Blaak
Rotterdam Daily Photo: From the archives: Underground station Blaak

Down the stairs from direction Oude Haven and you see this view, some sort of ‘warp core’ as on the TV show Star Trek! The two stairs left and right go towards the train platforms. Behind the ‘warp core’ you can just see the entrance to the metro.

Still a long way to go…

Rotterdam Daily Photo: Still a long way to go...
Rotterdam Daily Photo: Still a long way to go…

I took this picture at metrostop Wilhelminaplein. Through this entrance you have to use the treadmill just like at airports! No crowds, it will take a while before everything returns to normal use in public transport …

Metro info

Rotterdam Daily Photo: Metro info
Rotterdam Daily Photo: Metro info

This is the info stand on the Blaak metro station. Painted in the colors and look of the 1970s metro to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first metro in Rotterdam! Not the best photo ever I know…

Beurs Metro Station

Rotterdam Daily Photo: Beurs Metro Station
Rotterdam Daily Photo: Beurs Metro Station

I use the Rotterdam metro quite often. It is easy to reach all hotspots in Rotterdam and moreover the metro runs all the way to The Hague and recently to Hoek van Holland harbor, almost to the beach! All from the center of Rotterdam! This is metro station Beurs (detail) in the middle of the city with one of the subway cars used for the Randstad Rail connections.

Travelling to The Hague? Take the E-line, direction Den Haag
Travelling to Hoek van Holland harbor? Take the B-line, direction Hoek van Holland

Train, metro, tram and rain, rain, rain…

Rotterdam Daily Photo: Train, metro, tram and rain, rain, rain...
Rotterdam Daily Photo: Train, metro, tram and rain, rain, rain…

Today started with rain, around noon it was still raining and when I was almost ready with work it started pouring with rain! I took this photo at Blaak station. An hub where train meets metro, metro meets the tram and vice versa 🙂 I like the mood/colors. And can you spot a rather famous architecture design? Yes, you see a glimpse of the kubus (cube) appartments in which no wall is straight!

Rotterdam Centraal stairs going up and down

Rotterdam Daily Photo: Rotterdam Centraal stairs going up and down
Rotterdam Daily Photo: Rotterdam Centraal stairs going up and down

I took this picture a few days ago, the stairs up to the square in front of Rotterdam Centraal, the public transport hub of Rotterdam. Trains, metro, busses and trams, all there to find. Last days of the summer holidays so still no crowds! I like the tranquility here. Have a nice weekend all!

P.S. And I know, stairs are going down too, to the metro and train platforms 🙂

Oostplein metro, remember the marines 1940

Rotterdam Daily Photo: Oostplein metro, remember the marines 1940
Rotterdam Daily Photo: Oostplein metro, remember the marines 1940

This is de entrance to the Metro station Oostplein. Here stood in May 1940 the barracks of the marines. Rotterdam and the marines are for always connected because of the fighting in May 1940, a fierce battle against the German invasion forces only to end because of the bombardment of Rotterdam destroying the inner old city. This is a piece of the main entrance to the barracks plus a stone dating from 1783. The marine corps date back to 1665 and are stationed in Rotterdam since 1869.