Here was the fire, May 1940

Rotterdam Daily Photo: Here was the fire, May 1940
Rotterdam Daily Photo: Here was the fire, May 1940

Its so long ago but here in Rotterdam we still remember the fires of the bombardment in may 1940. This is a table stone, a monument, with a map of the city center and the spots where the bombs of German airplanes hit the city and set it on fire. You can see the line/border to where the fire came, the “brandgrens”. In the streets you can find a lamp in the sidewalk with the symbol of a flame that indicates where the flames came … You can find this stone/monument at Pompenburg – Admiraal de Ruyterweg.

P.S. Here’s a detail of the stone (click here), difficult to photograph due to the mirror surface, but then you have at least an idea of ​​what there is to see…

Author: Richard

Born in Rotterdam, Kralingen. Living there now for more then 59 years. Working in public transport so I enjoy the city everyday...

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