Stop in your tracks

Rotterdam Daily Photo: Stop in your tracks
Rotterdam Daily Photo: Stop in your tracks

This monday evening while waiting on the taxi to go home I noticed these signs at the entrance/exit of the tram depot here in Kralingen. Some are very clear “STOP” “STOP” but one is not so simple to understand. The sign “Rangeren, sporen 11 t/m 18” is not a sign you see very often! This sign tells the tram driver to stop there whenever he must drive backwards to park the tram on one of the tracks 11 up to and including 18. When he stops there at the line, the people in charge of the tracks, changed the track to the direction the tram has to go for parking… Thats it, just something you only know when you work there!

Author: Richard

Born in Rotterdam, Kralingen. Living there now for more then 59 years. Working in public transport so I enjoy the city everyday...

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