ZOHO, Urban development; slow urbanism

Rotterdam Daily Photo: ZOHO, Urban development; slow urbanism
Rotterdam Daily Photo: ZOHO, Urban development; slow urbanism

Near where I live you can find this building and area;
“ZOHO is a living and working area on the edge of the center, a 5-minute walk from Central Station. For and by makers in design, art, culture, media, tech, food, architecture and urban planning. All pioneers who want to use their craftsmanship to strengthen themselves, ZOHO and the city in an innovative way. Sandwiched between Heer Bokelweg, Hofbogen, Teilingerstraat and Noordsingel, also known as the Zomerhofkwartier, this former industrial area was struggling with vacant space. In 2013, it was decided that the area will be developed for 10 years through a gradual form of urban development; slow urbanism.”

I do like it, in a next post I will show the urban landscape in that neighborhood!

Big thirst?

Rotterdam Daily Photo: Big thirst?
Rotterdam Daily Photo: Big thirst?

Looking for a picture opportunity I walked by this giant cola can! Obvious for people walking for hours in the urban desert and having a giant thirst! You can find this can if you need it at the Binnenwegplein…