The Holy Spirit house

Rotterdam Daily Photo: The Holy Spirit house
Rotterdam Daily Photo: The Holy Spirit house

This sunday I could not find the time to take a nice picture so this is one from the archive! Het Heilige Geest huis (the Holy Spirit house). A few facts: The house is a neoclassical style building located in the Gerard Scholtenstraat in the Old North in Rotterdam. Built in 1898 by Rotterdam architect Jan Verheul Dzn. Specially designed as a residential home for old men. It is the fourth home of the Holy Spirit House charity since its creation in the first half of the 15th century.

It was intended for the care of elderly people in need in Rotterdam with room for thirteen men in the asylum. The last residents left the building in 1972 because it no longer met the requirements of the time. Nowadays listed as a municipal monument. The outside is virtually unchanged. The attic would also be in its original state, just like the Delft blue tiled toilet.

Author: Richard

Born in Rotterdam, Kralingen. Living there now for more then 59 years. Working in public transport so I enjoy the city everyday...

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