Plastic fish?

Rotterdam Daily Photo: Plastic fish?
Rotterdam Daily Photo: Plastic fish?

I walked along the canal that circled our residential complex and saw this! Large numbers of plastic bags and bags that covered the bottom like plastic fish! Rotterdam has long been trying to make residents aware of the proper separation of waste, but that didn’t really work. Now it is done better than ever in the waste plant. Used plastic packaging, metals such as cans and beverage cartons (PMD) are taken from the residual waste in the factory. PMD can therefore be disposed of with the residual waste, in the normal garbage bag. Waste energy company AVR expects to eventually remove 75 percent of the PMD from the residual waste. That is much more than the 7 percent that residents threw in the PMD containers!

Let’s hope it will work out, so far we have to go in and out by hand (and boat) to catch the plastic fish!

Author: Richard

Born in Rotterdam, Kralingen. Living there now for more then 59 years. Working in public transport so I enjoy the city everyday...

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